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Say Kees

Keeshond Baby T-shirt - Round Colors

Keeshond Baby T-shirt - Round Colors

Regular price $19.99
Regular price Sale price $19.99
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Let's face it: your dog is cuter than your baby. No shame in admitting it. Instead, it's better to start saving up for your kiddos therapy bill. They will grow up hearing "oh what an adorable doggo... ooooh and the baby is cute, too" just enough to know they can never compete with their fluffy sibling. To try an even out the playing field for the less hairy babies, the least  you can do is get them this adorable Keeshond t-shirt - designed by Hans the Keeshond. The shirt is so cute and colorful that it will draw the attention off from your fluffy Keeshond and into your kiddo. 

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